1Account Info2Email Client info3Official Product Information4FAQ5Email Templates & Signatures6Ticket Customization Company NameName First Last Email Phone Do You Have A Current Support Email You'd Like Us To Use?*If possible, we'll use this email with our ticketing system that routes to our support agents. NoYesCurrent Support Email AddressExisting Account Info and Point of Contact Official Product InformationIn this section we'll need you to provide official product name and information. The names and descriptions here are supposed to be generalizations on your product portfolio as a whole, not specific descriptions. You will have the opportunity to provide specific product information in the FAQs section.You can download name and description uploader document here.Product Name & Description Doc Uploader*Please attach the completed "CS-Product-Name-and-Description" document here.Max. file size: 8 MB. Frequently Asked QuestionsWe request "Frequently Asked Questions" as a way to easily answer a wide range of inquiries that our customer service team might receive. Please see attached template, this is a general FAQ template that you may add FAQ's too. Download here.FAQs Doc Uploader*Please attach the completed "callcenter-FAQ-template" document here.Max. file size: 8 MB. Email Templates & DesignIf you have templated responses that you'd like us to use, please attach them here. If you don't provide us templates, we'll simply use our normal protocol.Templates Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: word, pages, txt, etc, Max. file size: 8 MB. Email SignaturesPlease provide the exact signature you'd like to appear at the bottom of your emails.Company Logo*Please provide a PNG with transparent background or advanced file type such as AiMax. file size: 8 MB.Support Agent NameIf you wish, you can pick the name of your support agent, i.e. John or SamanthaSupport Agent Profile PictureIf you wish, you can also provide an avatar for your support agent.Max. file size: 8 MB. Ticket Escalation*If a ticket exceeds the capabilities of your JMF support agent, we will escalate to a representative in your company to resolve. Please provide their info below.Ticket TypesBy default, JMF support tickets come with 4 classifications so that they can be easily labelled for internal reporting. The four defaults are: Problem, Incident, Question, Task. If you'd like to customize these types, please list below separated by comma.