How to Setup A JMF Customer Support Line

Difficulty: Easy

At JMF, we offer the ability to have your own customer support line for your customers! This is a phone number that rings to our agent, that answers as your company name and can perform customer service tasks and escalations.

As always, the onboarding team is here to assist you but we do require you to produce a few things that only you, as the company, can provide. Here’s some helpful links and resources to help you along.

Required Assets:

We require the below documents and assets to launch your support line:

  1. Product Information
  2. Product Names
  3. Product FAQ’s
  4. Agent Script
  5. Two voice recordings for account greeting and voicemail.

Product Information and Product Names

A crucial part of providing your customers with a great experience when they call is being able to answer questions by having knowledge of your product. For this, please submit complete product name and descriptions, a PDF sheet is preferred with the materials clearly outline and identified.

Product FAQ’s

What the top 10 most common questions you get? Give us at least 10 frequent FAQ’s on a clean document.

Agent Script

We want your customer service experience to align with your brand vision and goals. Scripting is to outline the specific language you’d like used in interactions with your customers. For some tips on scripting that you can supply our agent click here.

Voice Recordings

We require two voice recordings for the account greeting and voicemail. You can get as creative as you’d like with this. Submit the records in .mp3, .wav or .wma format.

Note: If you don’t want to do this yourself, JMF can get professional voice talent and setup recordings, please contact your onboarding account manager for pricing. 

Below are a few generic examples of what the script for these records might look like:

  • Welcome Recording: Hi! Welcome to Client Name. On our website, you can find where to buy our products, support and frequently asked questions.
  • IVR Recording: To place an Order, press 1. For Technical Support, press 2. To check the status or get assistance with tracking your order, press 3. If you are a Client Name retailer or looking to become one, press 4…
  • After-hours Recording: Hi! Thank you for calling Client Name. Our opening hours are 8am to 4pm eastern standard time, Monday through Friday. Please visit our website, where you can find where to buy our products, support, frequently asked questions and more. Leave us a message with your full name and number and we will call you back as soon as possible or e-mail any requests to

For information on how to get your own Customer Support line, please jump to